Choosing a Personal Mantra

“New Year, Renewed You” Workshop lesson, Part III:

A mantra is statement that you hold near and dear to your heart. It can be a goal, a quote, or an affirmation. I like choosing a mantra that affirms the person that you wish to be, the person that you already are deep inside, but have lost touch with along the way.

The following is an outline of one method that you can use to write a personal mantra:

1. Write down the first three words that come to your mind in answer to the following question: What do you most want to change about yourself?

Example: I am anxious
I am a perfectionist
I am a pessimist

2. Write down how you would be different if those things were changed.

Example: I would be easy going & enjoy life
I would be flexible & content
I would be optimistic

3. Write a comprehensive sentence that strings together the traits in answer 2. Make sure that you write this mantra in present tense. It should be an affirmation of the person that you want to become.

Example: I am an easy going and optimistic person who finds contentment and enjoyment in every situation.

4. Once you have created your mantra, make sure that it becomes a part of your daily life (just like your goals). The way you choose to integrate your mantra into your life is up to you, but strive to ingrain it into your life. One way to do this is to say your mantra out-loud, in front of a mirror every morning. Voicing it this way gives you an audience and makes sure that you both hear and see yourself reciting your mantra. Plus, once your thoughts are verbalized they are much harder to take back. Your mantra is the same–once you verbalize it, it becomes more real and believable.


About Everyday Life Awakened

Reveille is committed to improving the health and well-being of all people. Through yoga, personal training, and life coaching, Reveille is here to help you reach your physical, mental, and spiritual goals.
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