Balance (v.)

What do you think of when you hear the word balance? Is it a goal that you try to achieve and master, or an action that you are constantly doing? So often we look at balance as a noun. We think about achieving or maintaining balance in our lives. It is something that we hope to reach, an attribute that we know we need, a means of focusing our lives. We know that we need balance, we just don’t always know how or where to find it.

However, balance is not just a noun. Balance is also a verb. What if, rather than approaching balance as something that you are trying to achieve, you viewed balance as a daily task, part of a journey, a process?

Imagine a tightrope walker or a gymnast on a balance beam. What they are doing is balancing. With each step, they must modify their bodies to stay on course, to keep from falling. Balance is not something that they reach at one point, but it is the continual process of adapting, moving with grace along their platform. Such is life. Balance is not something that we wake up one day and have. It is a process. Every step that we take in this life is an act of balance. We must adjust as we move through life, balancing ourselves along the way.


About Everyday Life Awakened

Reveille is committed to improving the health and well-being of all people. Through yoga, personal training, and life coaching, Reveille is here to help you reach your physical, mental, and spiritual goals.
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1 Response to Balance (v.)

  1. slklesko says:

    So true. The balancing act is an ongoing process that needs constant attention.

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