Point out the Positive

When feeling down or negative, point out positive things until you notice an attitude change. For example, the other day I was walking to work, feeling really tired, when I decided to alter my focus. Rather than dwell on my fatigue, I chose to notice the beautiful sky, the exquisite architecture, and the nice weather. Immediately my attitude began to change.

We get caught up in our thoughts, and forget that we have control over them–we have the power to change them. Take action to modify your negative thought patterns rather than ruminating in them. Sometimes it’s easier than others, but strive to make a positive mindset your default setting. Consciously transforming your thought patterns will eventually result in a habit of positive thinking. By doing this deliberate reprogramming, you are training your brain to highlight the positive around you.


About Everyday Life Awakened

Reveille is committed to improving the health and well-being of all people. Through yoga, personal training, and life coaching, Reveille is here to help you reach your physical, mental, and spiritual goals.
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